Delivery and Collection


1.1m3, 2.2m3 and3.3m3 loads are delivered in a Ford Transit Tipper. The load is loose and will be tipped out at an agreed, accessible location. Please note that in wet conditions the vehicle is unable to drive on grassy or soft areas as it is likely to become stuck.

GM Forestry Ltd uses RAC Route Planner to calculate mileage. Our postcode is IV2 7SA (This is the registered address postcode not collection postcode). When you place an order online, a member of our team will contact you to arrange delivery. Please use the 'Notes and Special Requests' box to inform us of the most suitable time for delivery and any offloading instructions. We cannot guarantee that we can meet your requirements but will endeavour to do so. In Summer months we have restricted delivery schedule, in colder months we can be extremely busy and at least a week's notice may be required.

GM Forestry Ltd prides itself in providing a high quality of service and product. If you are not satisfied with your order please do not hesistate to contact us immediately.



Please note that the postcode we use is our registered address postcode. The collection point is based near Fort George.

Directions are to follow signs for Ardersier, then follow the signs for Fort George. You will pass football pitches on your left, you will then approach a sharp bend where you need to take a right turn. Carry on along that road where you will pass blue Storage 4 U premises and take a right turn immediately after their yard.

Our yard is usually open Monday-Friday 8am-4.30pm. Collections can be arranged outwith these times with prior arrangement - please leave a note in the 'Notes and Special Requests' box and we will endeavour to meet your requirements although we cannot guarantee it.

Please note that the yard will be closed for collections during the winter months due to the high volume of booked deliveries.